2023 Fourth Quarter Newsletter

4th Quarter Update

Pat Slaven

My name is Pat Slaven and the ARCS Board of Directors asked me to start a regular column in your newsletter. Why me?, you may ask. It's a valid question. I’m the former Technical Director at the old ASCR International (Association of Specialists in Cleaning and Restoration) and subsequently had a long career at Consumer Reports (CR) as a Test Engineer specializing in cleaning, textiles and a variety of appliances, plus the occasional As Seen On TV product.

My short background story is that ASCR was my start in the practical science of stain removal and solidified the whole cleaning chemistry ‘thing’ for me after I finished an MS in Textile Chemistry and found gainful employment with them in the early 90’s. Consumer Reports then made me an offer I couldn’t refuse after a few years of solid experience at ASCR. I also have a BS in Chemical Engineering and spent my first decade in the ‘real’ world working at an oil refinery.

At CR, I would get called on to explain to the public how consumer products worked to clean largely clothing plus hard & soft surfaces. I still get buttonholed at parties and asked how to get red wine or ink out of something. And yes there are a few videos out there of me on national TV (back when that was the only game in town) removing various stains for the likes of Oprah, Charlie Gibson, and Florence Henderson. Know that the other 99.99% of the time I was in a lab or shackled to my computer.

I’m good at explaining why and how various things work or don't work in the world of textiles, colorants and cleaning.

In my tenure at the old ASCR, “art” silk rugs appeared on the market and more than one member had a client threatening small claims court for ruining their precious “silk” rug. The member would have to have an uncomfortable conversation about the rug's providence and that it was made from viscose rayon and worth a pitiful fraction of what the client had originally paid. I wrote about simple tests to check for rayon vs. silk. Pull a fiber or two from the rug pile with metal tweezers and burn it - rayon smells like burning paper and silk like burning hair.

I view this assignment as answering your questions and delving into some of the back story on dyes both natural and commercial, finishes, fibers, stain removal, cleaning chemistry, and rug construction. Rugs and cleaning rugs bring so many of these issues together.

So ARCS members, what sort of items would you like to hear a bit more about? What sort of things push reasonable logic? - and yes the tourmaline crystals that claim to ‘replace’ home laundry detergent are just as good as washing with plain water alone. You can get away with plain water for quite awhile if your clothing isn't very dirty and you aren’t someone who produces a lot of body oil….

My email is listed below. I’ll look for themes, trends and member concerns that likely affect many and pick one or two for the column.

I do admit I can be a bit opinionated, and I will work to inform you when something is my opinion vs. what is the scientific process.

Pat Slaven
Contact - pat.slaven@gmail.com

What Are You Reading?

-Aaron Glazier, ARCS President

I have read a few books recently, one of my favorites is called "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. It focuses on changing habits both good and bad. The reason the book is called Atomic habits is because the author suggests to reduce your behavior down to an atomic level in order to create or change your habits. There is a lot of good information in this book about both personal growth in your life outside of work but, also completely applicable to your responsibilities at work. This book will help you be a better employee, manager, coworker, etc. This is probably in one of my top 5 self development books I have read recently. There are several other topics and discussion points mentioned in this book that help reinforce the main four guiding principles. Those guiding principles can be found below along with one of my favorite quotes from the book.

How to create a good habit:

  • The 1st law (Cue): Make it obvious.
  • The 2nd law (Craving): Make it attractive. 
  • The 3rd law (Response): Make it easy. 
  • The 4th law (Reward): Make it satisfying.

How to break a bad habit:

  • Inversion of the 1st law (Cue): Make it invisible. 
  • Inversion of the 2nd law (Craving): Make it unattractive. 
  • Inversion of the 3rd law (Response): Make it difficult. 
  • Inversion of the 4th law (Reward): Make it unsatisfying.

“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger. Roots entrench themselves and branches grow. The task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting a powerful oak within us. And the task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower one day at a time.”

Review of Discover Rug Cleaning Class on Saturday, July 22, 2023 at Pettyjohn’s Cleaning in Wake Forest, NC.

- Robert Pettyjohn

I had an amazing time with Katie and Andrew at their place, Pettyjohn’s Rug Cleaning in Wake Forest, NC. Robert Pettyjohn even made a surprise appearance! They graciously hosted the Discover Rug Washing Class on July 22. We had 8 people in the class, and it was definitely a huge success.

We went through rug washing processes such as: Pre-inspection, Dry soil removal, Washing, Water Extraction, Drying, and Rug Finishing work.

There’s always so much to learn from others in classes like this, even the instructors learn a thing or two! Seeing other rug washing facilities and networking with other rug washers is always well worth the investment. Even if you are a seasoned rug washer, it is well worth the effort to attend a Discover Rug Washing event. After just 2 hours in the class, one attendee said: “This is the best $250 I have ever spent!”

Lunch was graciously provided by an affiliate member of ARCS, Fiber Protector, and consisted of delicious Peruvian Chicken! Thanks Fiber Protector America!

Something that not every rug washing facility has that was featured at Pettyjohn’s was their special air dusting system. This system uses compressed air through a special wand to force air through a rug, liberating amazing amounts of dust from rugs. This system is of course used outside, to keep the dust in the shop down to a minimum. Using a thorough dry soil removal system like this one, aids tremendously in the wash floor, cutting out time that otherwise would be used to wash mud out of rugs.

Another rare setup that is used at Pettyjohn’s is their rainwater collection system. They have two giant silos outside the building that collect runoff from the roof. Water stored there is then filtered before it is used in the wash tub. This cuts down on their water bill by a significant amount! This water is naturally very soft which helps get rugs even cleaner.

At the end of the day, we had some extra time left to talk about whatever the students in the class wanted to talk about, and marketing was on the top of everyone’s list. Katie Reuther emphasized how they work their Relationship Marketing, and we all brainstormed ideas for people or industries that we could market to, including rug fabricators, carpet stores, hardwood flooring installers/ refinishers. All left armed with more knowledge and power to go out and get the work that they love to do!

At the end of the day, we had some extra time left to talk about whatever the students in the class wanted to talk about, and marketing was on the top of everyone’s list. Katie Reuther emphasized how they work their Relationship Marketing, and we all brainstormed ideas for people or industries that we could market to, including rug fabricators, carpet stores, hardwood flooring installers/ refinishers. All left armed with more knowledge and power to go out and get the work that they love to do!

Upcoming Class Schedule

Discover Rug Cleaning
(Palm Desert, CA)

Dates: February 24, 2024
Location: The Rug Salon by Spot Out

The Rug Salon by Spot Out, Inc. is Coachella Valley’s premier state of the art rug washing facility. Located in Palm Desert, CA, The Rug Salon has been cleaning area rugs and high-end upholstery in our cleaning facility since 2014. During this class you will have the opportunity to put on your wash boots and see how to wash rugs. Whether you’re just starting out with very little equipment, or you are a little more seasoned and want to see how to use a tumble duster, wash tub and centrifuge, this class has something for everyone. All skill levels are welcome. This is a great opportunity to see how a medium sized rug plant runs and operates. The Rug Salon has two Master Rug Cleaner certified staff members as well as the areas only Certified Rug Specialist. This is a hands on class so, BYOB (bring your own boots) and come see what rug washing is all about.

Member Registration

Non-Member Registration

Official Announcement!

Join ARCS November 1st – 16th, 2024 for a dream trip to Turkey! Great food, wonderful people, beautiful fall weather.

Enjoy a guided tour through Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir, Usak, and the beaches of Antalya.

Immerse yourself in Turkish culture while visiting big cities, small mountain villages, ancient ruins, and busy markets.

Private tours of rug washing and ‘antiquing’ plants, restoration facilities, wool spinning mills, rug museums, collectors, dealers and an ongoing discussion of the rug industry as it is today with the people in that industry.

Stay tuned for more details and registration.

If you are a member of ARCS,   please join our ARCS Member page on Facebook !

For great information and sharing!